Wednesday, September 8, 2010

American Minute

I love this short daily email from American Minute by Bill Federer. It's so encouraging to see the words of elected leaders focused on the God who keeps them everyday. I highly recommend signing up for this daily post here.

Today's post is especially interesting. On September 8, 2005 President Bush Declared a Day of Prayer and Remembrance after one of our Nation's worst natural diasters... Hurricane Katrina.

Another act of destruction on September 8 in the year 70 AD, was the city of Jerusalem. It was recorded that a million people died there as the Roman army laid siege. For centuries people have wanted to visit this historical site...including Abraham Lincoln.

Mrs. Lincoln recalled her husand's last words in the Ford Theater... "He said he wanted to visit the Holy Land and see those places hallowed by the footprints of the Savior. He was there was no city he so much desired to see as Jerusalem".

Friday, May 21, 2010

Great resources for you

Now that I have hopefully encouraged you to take initiative, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite resources for keeping up with what's going on in the world.

This first one is my own Congressional Representative from Charlotte and personal friend, US Rep. Sue Myrick. She is one of the best Representatives in Washington and really, truly cares about what is going on. She strives to use her position to make a difference and takes her responsibility seriously. Her website is full of great information. You might want to also check out your own local US Representative's site.

The Oak Initiative is a fairly new organization that is doing some great things. There may be a local chapter in your area...if not, you can start one. Their goal is to wake up churches around the world to the issues that face us today and in the near future, and to encourage Evangelical Christians to get involved, educated and VOTE.

Bill Federer has written several great books that I recommend, especially 'What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur'an'. It's an easy to read, detailed timeline of the History of Islam and America. I also love his site American Minute. Everyday he sends out a bit of history and how God has always been acknowledged as playing a huge part of the events of our nation.

The most recent movement that I recommend is The Manhattan Declaration. A call of Christian Conscience, this movement began in 2009 by 150 prominent Christian clergy, ministry leaders and scholars, urging Christians to take a stand on three vital issues...the sanctity of life, the dignity of marriage as a union consisting of one man and one woman, and religious liberty. Each signer committs to speak and act in defense of Biblical truths with respect to these three issues.

I know there are many, many great resources out there. Feel free to share them in the comments on this blog. I just wanted to get you started with these, as they are currently my favorites and ones, as a homeschool mom, I refer to daily. In the days to come, I will also share other websites, blogs and resources as they relate to issues I write about.

Take Initiative

Are you outraged by what you see on the national news everyday?
Do you sense that which each passing day we are losing more and more of the freedoms upon which this country was founded?
Are you so discouraged that you don't even want to go to the poles to vote?

The dictionary defines ‘initiative’ as an introductory act or step; leading action; one’s personal, responsible decision. One could say that each of us has 'a personal responsibility to take an introductory step to lead in action'. If you feel like there is no way you can take initiative, keep reading. There is something YOU can do to make a difference in your community and in our country.

The first thing we all must do is be a responsible citizen. Take care of your family, practice your faith and defend your religious freedoms. If we want to initiate change in our country we must start with ourselves. Don't do say one thing and do another. Practice what you believe and be an inspiration for others to do the same.

Educate Yourself! Start by reading our Constitution. We must understand the extent of our rights as free citizens and the constitutional limits on the powers of government. Many times the Government does something and people just follow along giving them what they ask for without first educating themselves on what is really legally required. For instance the dicennial census. The only legal mandated requirement is to give the number of people per household. Although the form ask you to list names, ages, date of births, race, etc. it is actually not Consitutional to the government to require that information. Another term we hear thrown around a lot is 'separation of church and state' is not even in the Constitution at all! Bottom line is...don't just go along with the crowd...learn for yourself what is really going on.

Subscribe to blogs, newsletters and websites that offer reliable information regarding issues that effect you and your family. There are many great resources out in cyberspace that will send you updates through email or even social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Arm yourself with the facts so you are ready for the next step.

Encourage Discussion! Once you are educated on the issues, you are ready to write letters to the editor of your local newspaper; email tv and radio news programs; and comment on blogs and websites. Utilize social networking sites to ask questions and bring up issues with your friends. Participate in town hall meetings in your local community and party assemblies. You can even start your own blog or website. And don’t forget to contact your local, state and national representatives. Remember they work for you. Elected officials do keep track of the phones calls and letters and most of them do listen to their constituents.

Support organizations that share your values. Donate your time and resources to enable these organizations to move forward in their efforts. Sometimes a little goes a long way with grassroots organizations and every little bit of time, energy and financial support we can give will make a difference.

And finally… VOTE! It’s a great priviledge in our country to have the right to vote. You may not think your one vote will make a difference, but it does…YOU COUNT! Encourage your friends and family that are eligible to vote as well. Join with friends and car pool to the poles, and offer to take others that may not have transportation of their own.

New studies show that activism brings greater satisfaction to one's life. It brings a 'feel good' emotions and connects you to others. Look, we live in a free country! You have a responsibility and your voice matters! You can initiate change! So get out there...and take initiative!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You Count!

Even after almost 100 years of voting rights, I think some women still feel like they don't count or their voice is not heard. Are you one of those women? Maybe you just are not interested in what is going on in the political world. Or maybe you feel as if the world is spinning out of control and you can't keep up with what is going on? Do you feel like some of the issues are going over your head and therefore, you feel uneducated about what's going on?

That's exactly why I started this blog. First...I am a mom! A mom who is very concerned about the future of our country. I can't even imagine the things our children and grandchildren will have to face in the years to come...the debt, the wars, their freedoms slowly being taken away, not having the choice to make decisions for their own family without interference from the government.
So that explains the Mom part of the blog...but why The Midnight Writer? You remember Paul Revere...just an ordinary curior on horseback during the exciting years just prior to our country's independence. His most famous assignment on the eve of April 18, 1775 was to ride to Lexington, Mass. to warn Samual Adams and John Hancock of their pending arrest by the Brittish Troops.
I am grateful that I can also warn, whoever will read this blog, of the news of our day. I have an instant mass communication tool...and I don't have to row across a river and steal a horse to spread the news. Thus the purpose of The Midnight Writer Mom.
It's my heart and purpose to warn and educate about the issue that affect us as women. It's not just women's rights and the pro life debate that affect us...I will show you how ALL the issues of today directly affect you and your family. My prayer is that by you following this blog, you will be encouraged and educated...and then take action. You don't have to spend all of your free time being involved in some political organization...just know the issues! My next blog will give you ways to get involved and things you can do as little or as much as you like. The most important action you can take, however, is to vote! It's your right! Women before us worked hard to make sure we have that right! Use it, but use it wisely.
God bless you and your family! Let's ride!

Are you discouraged? Do you feel like your voice is not heard? Follow me as I 'sound the alarm' on current issues our country is facing. Are you a mom that feels like you're not fully educated on the issues facing us today and don't know where to start? That's why I'm here. I will help educate you in simple language. No politically correct or legalise...just plain talk from one mom to another.